BSI provides school-based behavior and music therapy services to local public, private, and charter schools. Delivering these services in the school setting provides the opportunity for our staff to support students where they need it most. Services are individualized and focus on the specific needs of the students, staff, and administration.
School Services Team
BSI’s school services team consists of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHCs), Board Certified Music Therapists (MT-BCs), and master’s level Behavior Specialists. BSI creates an individualized program of services based on each school’s needs.
All programs include:
Preventative services focused on pro-social skill development
Focused interventions to address student social/emotional challenges
Intensive treatment aimed at supporting crisis prevention and intervention
Behavior support services may also include:
Developing and implementing behavior plans
Classroom management support and consultation
Staff education and training
Participation in IEP development
Mental and behavioral health evaluation and assessment
Individual counseling
Skill-building groups
School services provide support to:
- gain personal and social competencies
- develop healthy relationships with peers and educators
- become confident, successful learners
- understand their student’s educational and developmental needs
- actively participate in their student’s education
- strengthen their knowledge of behavioral principles
- gain confidence with behavioral techniques and principles
- implement proactive strategies to support student behavioral needs
- prioritize student mental and behavioral needs in conjunction with academics
Funding Sources
BSI’s school-based services are funded through private contracts set up with individual schools. Funding is generally provided as part of the school’s annual budget or independently secured grants.
For More Information
To inquire about BSI’s school services, please contact the BSI office at 219-462-6705 or send an email to bsinoa@behaviorspecialists.net.