BSI provides behavior support services to those individuals enrolled in the Family Support (FS) and Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) waivers through Indiana Medicaid. Individuals receiving waiver services are typically diagnosed with an intellectual/developmental disability and/or autism spectrum disorder. The primary goal of behavior support services is to help individuals achieve maximum independence in their home, work, social, and community settings.
Description of Services
Behavior support services begin with the completion of comprehensive assessments including a functional behavior analysis (FBA), which identifies the “function(s)” that a maladaptive behavior is serving for the individual. Using the FBA and other assessment information gathered, an individualized Behavior Support Plan (BSP) is developed. The BSP contains recommendations for how to utilize replacement behaviors and decrease maladaptive behaviors.
Ongoing services are based on an individual's needs and in collaboration with the Individual Support Team (IST). Services typically include weekly visits in a variety of environments (e.g., home, day program, and community). Behavior specialists will develop and assist in implementing strategies that protect the health and safety of the individual; promote the development of social, cognitive, and adaptive skills; and encourage physical and psychological well-being.
The BSI Waiver Behavior Support Services team consists of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHCs), Behavior Specialists, and Behavior Therapists. All waiver behavior support providers have a master’s degree and are supervised by a licensed clinical psychologist on site.
Funding Source
Waiver behavior support services are provided solely through the Family Support (FS) and Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) waivers through Indiana Medicaid.
How to Obtain Services
To obtain behavior support services:
Qualified individuals should contact their assigned Waiver Case Manager and ask that a referral to receive behavior support services from BSI be submitted on the BDDS portal.
Once received, BSI will review the information and communicate availability to begin services or placement on a waiting list.
Inquiries about BSI and how we provide each service prior to referral are always welcome.
For More Information
To inquire about BSI’s Waiver behavior support services, please contact the BSI office at 219-462-6705 or send an email to bsinoa@behaviorspecialists.net.
For more information about waiver behavior support services, click the following link: https://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/developmental-disability-services.